
Archive for January 1st, 2010

Hello, 2010!

As I mentioned yesterday, I worked last night, from 11 till 11 this morning, and–BOY!–did 2009 end with a bang (fireworks, not gunshots)! And a motel fire! And lots of sloppy drunks! And a slew of minor vehicle accidents! And noise complaints, too many to count! All of these things carried over into 2010 and kept us all awake, alert and occupied. Which was good for those of us working all night, but probably sucked for the people who were on the other end of that dynamic.

My co-workers and I toasted the new year quickly and quietly with sparkling grape juice when the clocks rolled over to 00:00:00, then got back to work, ’cause the phones didn’t stop ringing and the units on the road didn’t stop talking on their radios and, well, that’s the nature of the beast. As the saying goes, “Emergencies don’t take a holiday.” (This is not a solicitation of gratitude. Promise. You really are welcome.)

On my hour-long break, I started my first project of 2010: an improvised toddler beret from stash yarn bought on clearance in the end of November. It’s Bernat Satin (acrylic, of course) in the bright, bubblegummy pink produced specially for breast-cancer-awareness month (October). As you can see, I didn’t get far.

Well, it's a start, anyway.

I don’t really know what I’m doing and would probably benefit from looking at a couple of actual beret patterns to get an idea of the “right” way to do the increases above the brim. Heck, I may even do that after I finish this post. (What? Stranger things have happened. Somewhere. Surely. Right?)

I don’t do resolutions, seeing no reason to set myself up for failure, but I feel safe in echoing Rachael‘s recurrent vow, stated in the December 29th blog post on her shared blog, mostly for the same reason she gives: so far, so good. What is that resolution? I resolve not to stab anyone this year.

(I sure hope there’s some wiggle room in there for “accidental” knitting-needle jabs… as long as they don’t break the skin… more than once. ‘Cause doo-doo happens, ya know?)

OK, kittens, it’s scan-beret-patterns time, to be followed closely by go-to-bed-’cause-you-still-have-to-work-tonite time.

Hope your 2010 has started with the warmth of smiles and love and knitting. And maybe some kitties. ‘Cause everything is better with kitties.

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the twisted yarn

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