
Archive for January 11th, 2010

FO 2 is totally done

I’ll post a picture either later tonite (after I sleep) or in the wee hours of the morning.

I presented the second toddler beret to my supervisor (Hi, Denise!), whose 2-year-old granddaughter will be receiving it soon. Denise has promised me a photo of the hat on its adorable recipient, but who knows when that will happen. (In other words, keep breathin’, folks. I know I’m not holding my breath.)

The crown decreases: I did 9 sets per round, which meant doing the first decrease round with 14 stitches per set. 9 x 14 = 126. (What? I checked it… twice. On the calculator. Jeez, you guys are so skeptical!) So on that round I knit 12 stitches, then knit 2 stitches togther, I repeated that 8 times, to put me back at the beginning of the round. Then I knit a plain round, just as I did in the “pattern” for the first toddler beret. On every decrease round after that, I simply knit one fewer stitch before doing the K2tog (also as I did in the “pattern” for the first toddler beret). The way to keep the decreases pretty and spirally and graceful is to remember to put a plain knit round between every decrease round. When I had only 9 stitches left on the needles, I followed the same bind-off as in the original “pattern.”

These two berets used all but a little less than 4 yards of yarn in that one skein. Not bad! And thus I have finished my first skein for 2010! Yay!

[Warning: pity party ahead. No RSVP necessary.]

Like I said, check back later to see the FO picture. I haven’t had time to download it from my camera yet, and I’m desperately in need of sleep. I have my first head cold in more than 3 years and it’s kickin’ my patootie. (Pardon my vulgarity.) Factor in working Friday and Saturday nights for 12 hours each, then 12 hours last night, followed by a two-hour mandatory (paid!) in-service training (yep, 38 hours in 3 days) on about 15 hours’ sleep. And let’s not forget the soul-sucking, miserable cold that has invaded Florida… ’cause I’m sure that’s not helping.

All that to say, waaaaaaah! Poor, pitiful me!

Anyway, time to take my whiny butt to the amazing waterbed of joy to let the Sudafed 24® work. You’re welcome to stay at this party as long as you like. All I ask is that you turn off the lights and lock the door when you leave, ‘kay? ‘Kay. Nitey-nite!

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the twisted yarn

Knitting, crochet, running, and silliness.

Allen Finley Photography

Wedding and Event Photography for Florida. Wedding, Engagement, Portraits, Headshots, Commercial and Fashion Photography

knit the hell out

More obsessed with each passing stitch.

The Bookaneer

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The Archaeologist's Guide to the Galaxy.. by Thomas Evans

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